The visit to Rione Terra is essential for those who want to know urban structures and, with a fascinating tour, get life moments and leisure time of its citizens. The streets, the millstone, the taberna, the brothel, a noble place of worship stunning for its frescoes, and finally the Temple/Duomo.
Temple of Puteoli, considered the materials used to erect the podium, the perfect proportions among the architectural components and his marmoreal beauty, is the House of Gods described by the great roman architect Vitruvius, unique visible example in the world. At the same time it is possible to see the impressive complexity of the domus, the house of the bishop and the cathedral, place of catholic worship.
Coming down by foot from the ancient fortress we will pass through the Piazza della Repubblica until we arrive to the Temple of Serapis, wrongly so-called because of the finding of a statue who represented the god.
Two thousands years before the mall, Puteoli invented and built its own clearinghouse of goods served by a big port.

Where: Pozzuoli
Duration: 3H with coffee break
Lenght: about 1 km
Difficulty: Low