by campiflegrei | 11 04,17 | Tempo Libero
From the land to the cuisine Visit Campi Flegrei, in collaboration with “Il giardino dell’Orco” and Cooking Classes Naples invites you to partecipate to our itinerary of experience: “From the land to the cuisine”. Pick up, prepare, cook and eat products from the...
by campiflegrei | 11 04,17 | Tempo Libero
Wine, history and myth A suggestive and historic vineyard on the Averno Lake, where grows typical and unique Phlegraean Falanghina, which takes its taste just from the sulphurous land. The vineyard on the Averno is a journey over the eno-gastronomy. The tour is a real...
by campiflegrei | 11 04,17 | Tempo Libero
Wine and Nature A visit through the suggestive vineyard of Agnano hill. Not only a walk through typical Phlegraean vineyards, but also a full immersion on the production of wines, which gives value and cheer the cuisine in the Land of Myths. The itinerary shows all...
by campiflegrei | 2 04,17 | News
Nuova mostra permanente a Città della Scienza. Il 19 marzo verrà inaugurato a Città della Scienza il più grande planetario 3D d’Italia, ed uno dei più grandi d’Europa. Il planetario , ricostruito dopo l’incendio che aveva devastato il vecchio planetario nel 2013,...
by campiflegrei | 25 03,17 | Campi Flegrei | Arte e Storia, Campi Flegrei | Arte e Storia - ENG
Strangely, the history of this place since its origins up to 530 B.C. was written taking account only of the literary sources. But we invite you to learn something on the early Cumae by the archaeology: it will be surprising discover how the reality can be more...