
Visit Campi Flegrei project was born to promote a land rich in history, culture and natural beauties. It is located between heaven and sea, where poets and academics from all time have been enchanted. Pozzuoli, Bacoli, Monte di Procida, the islands of neapolitan gulf. Places rich in magic to live and narrate. Our team, by a series of audiovisual journeys, historic and natural itineraries, photo tours, will bring you to discover all the marvelous things this land can offer you.


Our Mission is to enhance the turistic reality, by connecting all the players of the area in an integrated circuit. Our Vision is to see the Phlegraean Fields projected over the next few years as the main turist attraction in this region.

Valerio Chiocca
Ceo – Founder of Visit Campi Flegrei.
Passionated about travels and tourism, first of all he is a great lover of Phlegraean Fields. He is a professional in web marketing and a social media expert, specialized in social and institutional communication.

  • Travel and tourism
  • Marketing and communication
  • Social Media

Paolo Visone
Founder of Visit Campi Flegrei
Born and raised in Pozzuoli, he is very strongly attached to his land, spreading its culture and its images. He is a professional photographer and graphics expert. Among other experiences, he worked to the “Fotofest International” biennal in Houston, Texas.

  • Photography
  • History and culture
  • Graphics

Angelo Greco
Founder of Visit Campi Flegrei
Professional photographer and free lance journalist. He combines his passion for travels with the love for his land, trying to report experiences lived abroad into the Phlegraean Fields.

  • Photography
  • Jounalism
  • Travel and tourism

Do you think to meet the requirements to join our team?

Send your resumé, tell us your abilities and competences and in what way do you like to contribute to our project.

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